- int User_withdrawPoints(int points "Number of points to remove", string description "User visible log entry associated with the transaction") - Remove points from user of current QAS. Returns 0 if count not withdraw the necessary amount.
- int User_withdrawPoints(int points "Number of points to remove", string description "User visible log entry associated with the transaction", int userResourceId "Resource Id of user that gets the points") - Remove custom points from user. Returns 0 if count not withdraw the necessary amount.
- int User_withdrawPoints(int points "Number of points to remove", string description "User visible log entry associated with the transaction", int userResourceId "Resource Id of user that gets the points", int customType "Store custom transaction type. Can be 1-127, or 0 for ManualTransaction") - Remove custom points from user. Returns 0 if count not withdraw the necessary amount.
number p = User_withdrawPoints(120, "Withdraw", 456546);
//return 0 or the number of withdrawn points